Sunday, October 18, 2009

Yes I would like some cheese with my whine.


Done. Period.

I am so tired of being positive and happy and smiley. Things suck in the world of Heintschel right now and I need a small pity party. So I am throwing myself one here on my blog. Be fair warned it is full of whining and complaining, totally one sided thoughts, and if you have spent anytime with me in the last month you might already know it all.

So if you might be offended (and just to let you know I am not complaining about anyone person here, just situations) by my ranting, just go to another blog for the day.

1. Kyle looses his job. Yes, this statement is completely and totally sucky. As I write this we just surpassed the 1 month unemployed mark and it was a milestone I never wanted to see. I understand these things happen, and trust me, I have said that OVER AND OVER the last month. I know we will be ok, but right now we are looking at a lot of mud on the window and I can't see the other side. However, my husband will never know how unbelievably stressed I am about this situation. It is my role to support him, love him, pray with him, and help him find a job. It is not my place to bring him down with stuff he already knows. (And no he won't find any of this out because I am not sure he even knows we have a blog.)

2. The complete trip from HELL aka Disneyworld. Ugh.

3. My son apparently coming into the terrible 2's at a running start. Hissy fits, hitting, biting, screaming like he is loosing skin, tantrums, throwing himself on the ground, running away from me, sticking stuff in his mouth while running from me, the horrible word NO, not wanting to hold my hand, etc. How am I coping? Anything and everything is what I am trying. Some days threats work, other days time out works, other days it is spanking. I know this is a phase, but I am ready for this to be over.

4. Big Kyle gets the flu. yay. Yuck.

5. Big Kyle gets a migraine that requires a trip to urgent care. yippee.

4 + 5 = 5 days of single parenting, house steralizing, and two whiney Kyles.

As I said at the beging of the post, I am done. I need a break, and I praying that tomorrow at Kyles drug test / criminal background check for a job in Houston, they tell us yes he is hired. Then, maybe then we can have forward motion with one foot on the moving sidewalk that has been knocking us all on our butts for the last month.

1 comment:

  1. You deserve a break!! Its been rough month for you. I hope you get some good news soon!
